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Soeparno, Nakamura Y, Shibuno T, Yamaoka K. Relationship between pelagic
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Nakamura Y, Shibuno T, Suzuki N, Nakamori J, Kanashiro K, Watanabe Y.
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中村洋平.魚の成育場についてー大きな魚も海辺が大切.LIIBERATION, 高知大学出版会、vol.17:6-21
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in habitat associations of pre- and post-settlement stages of coral reef
fishes at Ishigak Island, Japan. Marine Biology, 156:2413-2419
Horinouchi M, Tongunui P, Nanjo K, Nakamura Y, Sano M, Ogawa H. Differences
in fish assemblages between fragmented and continuous seagrass bed in Trang,
southern Thailand. Fisheries Science, 75:1409-1416
Nakamura Y, Horinouchi M, Sano M, Shibuno T. The effects of distance from
coral reefs on seagrass nursery use by 5 emperor fishes at the Ryukyu Islands,
Japan. Fisheries Science, 75:1401-1408
Lecchini D, Million J, Nakamura Y, Galzin R. How does shoreline development
impact the recruitment patterns of coral reef fish juveniles (Moorea Island,
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Nakamura Y, Shibuno T, Lecchini D, Watanabe Y. Habitat selection by emperor
fish larvae. Aquatic Biology, 6:61-65
Nakamura Y. Status of seagrass ecosystems in the Kuroshio region: seagrass
decline and challenges for future conservation. Kuroshio Science, 3:39-44
Nakamura Y, Horinouchi M, Shibuno T, Tanaka Y, Miyajima T, Koike I, Kurokura
H, Sano M. Evidence of ontogenetic migration from mangrove to coral reefs
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Nakamura Y, Tsuchiya M. Spatial and temporal patterns of seagrass habitat
use by fishes at the Ryukyu Islands, Japan. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 76:345-356
Shibuno T, Nakamura Y, Horinouchi M, Sano M. Habiat use patterns of fishes
across the mangrove-seagrass-coral reef seascape at Ishigaki Island, southern
Japan. Ichthyological Research, 55:218-237